
Video: The Steady Loss of Sea Ice

lrsshadow10/30/2009 10:28:33 am PDT

re: #293 MinisterO

Yes very nice information which shows that;
1) climate models are not accurate and could be off as much as 10,000 years
2) CO2 is non-linear to temperature change
3) Global Warming is caused by the Rotational Orbit Variation of the earth around the sun
4) Increases in CO2 are caused by increases in temperature and not the other way around.

Here are some great quotes from you referenced material

“It takes about 5000 years for an ice age to end and, after the initial 800 year lag, temperature and CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere rise together for a further 4200 years.

What seems to have happened at the end of the recent ice ages is that some factor - most probably orbital changes - caused a rise in temperature. This led to an increase in CO2…”

And here in your reference material they state that global warming precedes CO2 increases;

“How does warming cause a rise in atmospheric CO2? As the oceans warm, the solubility of CO2 in water falls (Martin 2005). This causes the oceans to give up more CO2, emitting it into the atmosphere. The exact mechanism of how the deep ocean gives up its CO2 is not fully understood but believed to be related to vertical ocean mixing (Toggweiler 1999).”

So therefore temperatures increases which are caused by the sun (not an increase in CO2 levels) and this increase in temperature leads to more CO2 being released by the oceans. Therefore the Cause = Sun, heats the earth causing higher levels of CO2 and not the other way around.

There I have just negated all the global warming hystaria. The world is not going to end. Can we please get working on some really importent stuff for a change?