
Greenwald on the Amash Amendment: Obama Is Literally in Cahoots With GOP

Heywood Jabloeme7/26/2013 12:09:04 am PDT

re: #289 Targetpractice

Also, the argument from Wyden and Udall is “We couldn’t talk about it because it was classified,” and that’s accepted as the unvarnished truth by those who oppose the program. But the White House says “It’s helped us stop terrorist attacks, but we can’t tell you how because it’s classified” and they’re declared to be fucking liars.

That’s what we like to call “ye olde double standard.”

If it isn’t aginst the law to talk about classified material why is Obama charging Snowden with doing so? And if Udall and Wyden had done so do you think that they would have gotten into trouble? Hint, Layhey lost his chairmanship of the Itel committee because he was found guilty of spilling clasified secrets. The Obama adminstrations energetic persuit of other leakers of classifed material is famous. Look at the heat that Holder got for trying to charge a journalist.

Then, Wyden and Udall worked up a letter that 26 other Dem Senators signed that said that they want to declassify the material so that we can all decide if the programs are working.

Obama says he wants to keep it all classified - he is on the record on this.

So who seems to want to get to the truth.

Wyden, who has for years said that he wants to bascially open all this up end it and show you why.

Or the President who says trust me, it works but I can’t show you.

By the way, the Obama administration are admitted liars.

Clapper had to write a letter to thje Senate for doing so because of what he said was in conflcit to the Snowden leaks. (Which is widely thought to confrim most of what is in the Snowden docs).

The NSA had to change what was on thier website because Wyden pointed out that it was in conflict with what was in the Snowden docs and what Lit (the counsel fro Obama’s intel) had testified to.

And before the leaks, Obama famously made claims that were not true and was exposed after the Snowden leaks. He then famously went on Charley Rose and went “Bush” and used lawyer talk to describe what the NSA is doing.

All this is documented in credible press (NYT, WaPO etc) and non of it has ever been denied.