
Beatles Music Coming to iTunes at Last?

ausador11/15/2010 9:43:33 pm PST

Well…uhh…this one starts out so over the top anti-semitic that it is almost funny, come on, the “Elders of Zion Protocols,” really? But then it just goes even further downhill, and keeps on going.

Supposedly Jews killed 150 children in Paris in 1883 and took their blood, then they did the same thing in London shortly after but this time the killers were all Rabbis…

And then it gets even worse, and worse, and worse, just one fairy tale about the bloodthirsty child murdering Jews after another. Holy fuck, no wonder there is no chance of peace in the middle east with this blatant lying bullshit propaganda on their T.V. channels constantly now…I’m sickened, really.
