
Nightmarishly Beautiful Animated Film: Jo Jo in the Stars

Birth Control Works3/08/2013 7:59:57 am PST

re: #290 Vicious Babushka

I went to Cass Tech High School and most of the kids I hung out with were Black. I could have gone to the district high school but wanted to get away from the kids who bullied me in Middle School.

We moved before I started driving, so I don’t recognize a lot of place names.

I didn’t know until I was in my 20’s that I was an “East-Side Girl”. Which was told to me with raised eyebrows.

A big sister of one of my friends married a Jewish man and you should have heard everything that was said about that. The wedding was divided between the Jews and the Catholics.

My girlfriend and her friends were seated at a table with older Jewish Couples. They were FANTASTIC. Blew all those pre-conceived (planted predjudices) out of the water. Still one of the best weddings I ever attended. Short ceremony and FUN reception.