
The Ultimate Blog Security Fail?

jamesfirecat12/13/2010 7:19:51 am PST

re: #297 Decatur Deb

Example from Alexander Burnham, Virginia Quarterly. Note that Nixon might not be the first president to suffer from a Zionist Plot.

“Roosevelt was also not a fan of the “sacrosanct” New York Times. Although it supported the president’s reelection in 1936, it was highly critical of his “judicial reform” plan, better remembered as FDR’s attempt to pack the Supreme Court with justices who would protect his legislation from Congress. When he learned that publisher Arthur Hays Sulzberger and his lawyers had devised a tax plan that would keep control of the paper in the hands of the Sulzberger and Ochs families and out of the clutches of investors who were indifferent to the paper’s independence, FDR was incensed. “It’s a dirty Jewish trick,” he told a Mississippi senator. The remark got back to Sulzberger, and he carried the insult to his grave. When Roosevelt ran for a third term in 1940, The Times supported Republican Wendell Willkie for president.”

Personally I’m none to fond of FDR’s plan to increase the size of the supreme court either to tell the truth. That said the key question is, if the NYT are a weather vane, what “wind” do they listen to?