
Video: John Oliver's Funny but Sobering Post-Mortem on the Thing

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/14/2016 2:46:07 pm PST

And frankly I think we do pay attention to working class concerns. We support raising the minimum wage, we want to make post K-12 education affordable for anyone(my grandparents didn’t attend college but they always hoped their children and grandchildren would and my uncle, my mom, and myself have graduated while my one brother is an undergrad and our other brother will attend too), we want people to have safe work places, be able to unionize if they want to, etc. Now, we’re not going to give workers the economy that my grandparents grew up with but in a way, I think that’s a good thing, my two great grandfathers lived short lives because of the mines. My grandma has told me when her father died, he was healthy other than his lungs. The mines that Trump brags about how he wants to bring back, they killed him.