
More Stealth Creationist Bills in Five More States, As the DI Mask Slips in Virginia

Salamantis2/09/2009 5:32:29 pm PST

re: #145 Soona’

But that’s just it. Global warming is as much a religious teaching as creationism is. There was no real science applied to it. And just as you pointed out about so many starting to turn away from the GW theory, so will education systems turn away from strict creationism. I still think that schools will be given a choice as to what they want to teach. If not, I believe these laws will be overturned quickly once people see the folly.

AGW is empirically testable, and the reason that researchers are abandoning it is because it is failing these tests. Religious dogmas are supernatural, not natural, and metaphysical, not physical, which means they cannot be empirically tests, and thus are not science. And, as I have said before, trying to use AGW to attack evolutionary theory is like trying to use Ron Paul to attack Abraham Lincoln. AGW may be bad science, but it is at least science - which is why it is correctable. Evolutionary theory, otoh, is exemplary science, and creationism/ID isn’t empirical science at all, but religious dogma.