
Right Wing Terrorism in Las Vegas: Killers Covered Bodies With Gadsden Flags

Justanotherhuman6/09/2014 3:30:02 am PDT

So, this appears to be a younger couple, not the older ones we talked about in an earlier thread. This is a lot of detail, some of which hasn’t been confirmed yet, but it isn’t surprising.

Not surprised to see meth mentioned as well. Did these 2 think they were “martyrs to the cause” and that anyone will ever remember and celebrate them? No, we’ll just remember their horrible deeds.

And to the rightwing: Have you no decency? None? Have you none left at all that this is what you’re resorting to, as well as attacking others who don’t deserve your viciousness in the last week? Whether you have actually killed someone or not, your hate, even your despicable rhetoric publicly expressed, is shameful and not worthy of a great country which welcomes everyone, no matter where they are from.

Your political posturing may win a few elections, but it will never again be a ruling ideology. Not in this country.