
His Quest to Unseal Michael Brown's Juvenile Records Thwarted, Chuck C. Johnson Goes Psycho

lawhawk9/09/2014 6:15:07 pm PDT

Unprecedented? Courts routinely issue denials for these records every day. They grant them too.

In this case, CCJ’s petition was written not as a legal brief, but as a diatribe that wouldn’t pass muster for a 1L.

The court properly disposed of the requests, so he now seeks the refuge of scoundrels and crackpots everywhere - the conspiracy theory. That it was the Obama Administration out to block justice.


Step away from the bong, Mad Dog 20/20, and the keyboard CCJ, and get a grip.

The only ones peddling conspiracies are the people convincing themselves that Wilson had an orbital fracture, that Brown knew kung-fu and murdered someone as a juvenile without identifying who the victim could have been in that case.

You’d think that the crackpot journalist/researcher would have been able to find out from his so-called sources who exactly was murdered by Brown and work back from there.

But no. There isn’t anyone.

It’s all just character assassination and poisoning the well of potential jurors who might hear a case against Officer Wilson.

And we have to spend still more time debunking this crap.