
Anti-Vaxxers Double Down: "So What If They Experience Measles? So What?"

funky chicken1/26/2015 10:02:20 am PST
Dotty Hagmier, a former nurse and founder of a group called Moms in Charge, which aims to help mothers make informed choices, said she once saw those who didn’t vaccinate as “very irresponsible and putting others at risk.” But when doctors accidentally gave her child an extra dose of the vaccine for Hepatitis C, she realized she didn’t like being at the mercy of whatever she was told.

There is no vaccine for Hep C. Babies get the Hep B vaccine, and an extra dose wouldn’t cause any harm, which this woman should certainly understand. The person giving the shots made a dumb mistake that didn’t harm her child, so now she has decided to intentionally risk harming her children in response?