
Video: John Oliver on Donald Trump's Disastrous Withdrawal From the Paris Agreement

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/04/2017 10:27:12 pm PDT

Continuing from the last thread:

re: #406 scottslemmons

Moving too far out of the state probably won’t be an option for me. But good to hear not everyone’s obsessed with those degrees. The local library doesn’t even seem to want me volunteering with ‘em. :/

In a lot of areas around here, tiny town libraries are the connexion to the outside world. The state pays for access to medical, historical, geographic, agricultural, and other databases free for use by libraries. In many towns around here the library is the only Internet connexion. Hunting and fishing licenses are obtained through public libraries (really). Librarians were all trained as ACA Navigators when that program was run up to help people apply for health insurance on the Federal exchange.

Thus the state is more interested in “competent” rather than what letters appear in your degree.