
The airbrushing of Middle East history

Bob Levin9/15/2010 1:09:24 am PDT

re: #2 Samson

I remember my first foray running the LGF gauntlet was defending Melanie Phillips—but she’s wrong here.

First, no one in their right mind expects anything fair regarding Jews, Israel, Judaism, from the Guardian. But if you point out their obvious bias, at least be accurate—which is the point.

The Last Supper wasn’t a Seder. The Temple was still standing at the time, which means that the laws of Passover were still in effect, and a pascal lamb was brought to the Temple. I doubt anyone would argue Da Vinci had a Seder in mind when doing the painting.

This goes along with another myth about Jewish history, that we built the Pyramids. We didn’t. So, I would say that if we complain about the accuracy of others, then we’ve got to be accurate ourselves.