
Another view of manhood from the far right - and the stalkers....

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/26/2010 5:03:35 pm PDT

re: #1 Slumbering Behemoth

So let me see if I got this thinking straight.

Men ganging up on a small women and stomping on her head = manly men.

Men speaking out against such horrible activities = girly men.

These troglodytes have severe issues.

Yes indeed. The essence of these types again is fear, hatred and the insecurity that comes from a life of impotent failure. Actual big dogs are pretty mellow. They know they have nothing to prove. The little ankle biters though are another issue.

Of course, they will take all that rage out on any target they can strike, if they can get away with it. That is why it took several of them in Kentucky to beat down one small woman.

Thugs and bullies are always cowards. This set in particular knows that they are in reality about as tough as - well an aging 50 something with a beer belly and chicken legs or an alcoholic loser. They only act in packs and they are only dangerous in packs.