
SPLC Designates AFA, FRC, IFI as Hate Groups

theheat11/22/2010 10:07:57 am PST
1. Abiding Truth Ministries [Scott Lively]
2. American Family Association
3. Americans for Truth About Homosexuality [Peter LaBarbera]
4. American Vision
5. Chalcedon [RJ Rushdoony] Foundation
6. Dove World Outreach Center [Terry Jones]
7. Faithful Word Baptist Church [Steven Anderson]
8. Family Research Council
9. Family Research Institute [Paul Cameron]
10. Heterosexuals Organized for a Moral Environment
11. Illinois Family Institute
12. MassResistance
13. Traditional Values Coalition

American, Truth, Family, Values, Moral, Traditional, etc. All integral to hate groups, and used often. What’s missing is Heritage and Heartland, which are two others. These people are half a goosestep away from klukkers. Uberdouches. Bonus points if people can name the GOP politicians and teabaggers that support them and attend their functions. (Hint: try “All”.)