
Christian Patriarchy Movement Shackles Daughters to Fathers, Homes

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/30/2010 8:12:01 am PST

Consider this:

…with special attention to the historical faith found in the book of Genesis, when God created Eve as a “helper” to Adam

Care to guess what the Hebrew actually says? It says [Bereshith 2:18]:

“Hashem, G-d said ‘It is not good that man be alone. I will make him a helper against him.”

Helper against him?

What does that mean?

This opens up to a very long discussion about how woman is a man’s complimentary or corresponding number in the spiritual realm. You could reasonably translate it as helper corresponding also, but it is corresponding in the sense of two pieces fitting together. You can take it as pragmatically as you like in discussing the different ways that men and women balance each other out, or you can take it as mystically as you like. I can not begin to get into the depth of commentary that exists over this verse without writing pages and pages. The actual Hebrew uses multiple names of G-d and there is a huge discussion even from that.

However the unifying thing is that there is something about men and women where they balance each other out, wear down each other’s edges and in a functioning relationship, make each other better, by offering an insight the other lacks, a certain perspective the other needs or a spiritual component the other is missing. If one partner is somehow fundamentally subordinate to, or lesser than, the other, how is it possible that this could even work?

Just a few verses before it is stated clearly that both man and women were created in G-d’s image.

So the very short form is that this lowbrow hooligan of a preacher is yet another example of a troglodytic jerk who perverts someone else’s book, written by someone else’s ancestors, in a language he does not speak, without a clue as to their culture or legal traditions, for his own selfish ends and a desire to justify his own twisted misogyny. As a bonus, other people are convinced by creeps like him that my faith says the same kind of crap.

It doesn’t, and I am very sick of the arrogance of those who would tell others from their limited reading of and cherry picking of King James that they know a damn thing about it.