
GOP Totally Committed to Obstructionism

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/01/2010 10:20:52 am PST

The GOP spent to years refusing to compromise on anything. No matter what the president set in motion, even if it was something that formerly had broad bi-partisan support, like cap and trade (which they ran on in 2008!) or the START treaty, they flipped on. Boner (intentional misspelling) announced clearly after the recent elections that there would be even less compromise (as if that were possible).

They are the party of no. With Fox news smearing everything that the president does as the work of Satan, or communists or terrorists or Cthulu or whatever the fear mongering du jour is, this plays well to the GOP’s ignorant and stupid base. It was a winning strategy for the GOP up to the election.

They see no reason to actually govern or come up with ideas of their own. I do not expect that to change now that they have the house. As to things I do expect to see pushed, it will all be on agendas that turn back or prevent any progress, in areas like climate legislation, education, personal liberties and civil rights.