
Terra Incognita: The Israeli archipelago

Bob Levin12/15/2010 5:22:53 pm PST

I think the article is fine, trying to clear up misconceptions about Israel.

But there are sooooo many misconceptions about Israel. In fact, if you ask 20 people about Israel, you’re likely to find 20 misconceptions. If you ask 21, you’ll learn another misconception.

You know that I follow the goings on there quite closely. But I stay out of Israeli politics. I get the general idea, but you’ve got to be in Tel Aviv to really get it. I’m not in Tel Aviv.

I was thinking about posting something last night, about how Israel’s math and science scores are dropping—the average math and science score compared to other countries. But are the test scores dropping, or did the testing people factor in people who just aren’t interested in secular math and science? That is, they are not taught math and science. I don’t know. So I didn’t post it.