
White Nationalist Conference Planned In Washington D.C.

Laughing Gas5/18/2011 12:40:59 am PDT

This is a good example of the “respectable” racialist right, rather than some barely literate neo-Nazi. These are the people who believe in “human biodiversity”, a nice euphemism for the belief that some ethnic groups are smarter, harder working, less violent, etc than others, and that this can be proven via science. It’s a side of the right that is growing in popularity (especially on the web). Many of the members are avowed secularists, though (that doesn’t stop them from being prejudiced against Muslims, for example). I’ll post more information about this phenomenon on my page.

I’ve found that the right in America seems to generally oppose either or both of two aspects of liberal democracy: secularism and egalitarianism. The HBD crowd is adamantly against egalitarianism (and not that friendly to secularism either; many of them are quite sympathetic with the beliefs of Christian conservatives about returning society to a “simpler” time).