
Wedding Card From the White House

Flavia3/11/2012 11:26:04 am PDT

Wow, totally cool. All we got from Al Gore on his being invited to my daughter’s Bas Mitzvah was a note written by a a staffer as to a “scheduling conflict”*. A perky girl staffer, with the bubbly handwriting & a little heart over the “i”.

Mazel tov on your daughter’s wedding.

*Please note: I did NOT expect them to show up! I even included a note to the Gores (yes, this was before the divorce) as to why they had been invited - because my daughter admires Al Gore, not that we knew them or had ever even met them! FTR, my mom was disgusted that he didn’t show up. FTR, I think Mom’s getting crotchety with age. FTR, I will be worse when I’m her age.