
Euro Zone Crisis Heads for September Crunch

Bob Dillon7/29/2012 6:59:07 pm PDT

re: #2 researchok

It’s a bit premature for the Full SHTF Monty IMNSHO (I give us till 2013/2014 for that) - smart money has been moving out of the markets for quite a while now as knowledgeable advisors and investors realized that the QE $ pumped into Wall Street was all that was buoying the market up. Hell, when one stock can take the whole DJIA up all by itself as IBM and Apple did on separate occasions - something is very wrong. There is no volume to support the upward movements.

David Walker (held the office of the only man in Washington required by law to tell the truth) … Listen to him. This is from 4 years ago - prior to Obamacare.

Youtube Video

When the MSM starts talking about the same financial disasters that I and like minded associates have for a good number of prior years, it might be good to take it as a really timely heads-up.

We are out of road and the can is too heavy to kick any further anyway.

As Bucky Fuller pointed out long ago - politics is not the answer - technology is.