
Immodest 6 Year Olds?

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/22/2012 3:41:16 pm PDT

Jimmah, let’s get this through with.

I get that you feel all smug and superior to those crazy folks who believe in religion of any sort. But seriously, could you at least try to get some facts rather conflating a general whiny malaise stoked with faux outrage and silver-spoon socialist talking points that flit grasshopper like from one half formed idea to another?

You have no idea what you are talking about. Yet you smugly condescend to push through an utterly biased and misinformed far leftwing whine fest while feeling oh so superior and stomping over things you know nothing of.

Let’s go in reverse order of this bullshit.

Iran is the primary funder of Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Missiles and rockets that rain down daily on innocent Jewish people in Israel come from Iran. They are launched by proxy groups that swear to not stop until every last Jew on the Earth is killed. Iran itself talks constantly about wiping Israel off the map with the same hateful rhetoric and lies we have heard for thousands of years. They are working very hard to make an atomic weapon. They really mean it when they talk about killing.

They are also about as brutal as it gets when it comes to women’s rights - You would think a lefty like you would notice that.

Damn straight Bibi talks about Iran. So does every single Israeli, left or right, that doesn’t have his or her head in the ground.

As to women at the Kotel wearing a Talit…

I would like you to imagine the notion of being rude for a minute - I mean imagine that a left wing woman can be rude and actually wrong for a minute.

A sensible person would not walk into a vegan gathering and make a point about eating ribs just to make a scene.. A sensible person would not walk into a mosque and make a point about eating pork on Ramadan just to make a scene. That is the sort of thing Pam Geller fans would cheer at.

Yet you cheer at women wearing a talit at the Kotel. The talit doesn’t mean a damn thing to you. Don’t make a crocodile tear over it - and it certainly doesn’t mean a damn thing to those women, other than a vehicle of protest and self gratification.

A sensible woman would not put on a talit at the Kotel. Even if she thought that women should be allowed to wear them, she wouldn’t. She wouldn’t because it is utterly rude. I don’t give a damn what you think about her “right” to wear whatever she wants. No-one has an absolute right to wear what they want at all times. You have no idea what the issues are there and even if you did, they were pointedly trying to impose their views on the majority by making a scene. They were arrested for making a nuisance of themselves in a holy place. They were arrested for being assholes.

As to the six year old girls… wow yeah, a religious school has standards for their uniforms… Big shocker there.


Let’s be clear.