
So Obama was not trying to win the debate on purpose? My take on it

Sir John Barron10/04/2012 8:32:07 am PDT

Didn’t watch the debate. Couldn’t watch the debate. Probably would have killed my teevee if I had.

But from what I’m reading, some on the Left are faulting Obama for not bringing up Mitt’s tax returns, the 47%, and other points on which Mitt is presumably vulnerable and which have been rehashed in blog world for much of the past month and more.

Maybe Obama can be faulted for his overall performance but it doesn’t bother me that he didn’t mention these items. It’s possible there were people tuning into the debate who weren’t as familiar with these matters as some of us are, and could thus have been informed about them, but repeating them could also have backfired if doing so made the debate seem just like another campaign ad.

Still, I would have hoped Obama could take advantage of Mitt’s and the GOPteabag party’s attempts to quash meaningful health reform, attempts to suppress the vote, and opposing financial regulatory reform and the establishment of the consumer financial protection agency. Among other important contributions his administration has made in the past four years.