
Nate Silver Wins, Dick Morris Loses

Dark_Falcon11/07/2012 7:24:37 am PST

re: #2 Destro

I don’t know what you mean by leftie statements but I am of the opinion Dick Morris was being deceptive on purpose about the coming election. He was serving a Baghdad Bob role for FOX news talk shows to rev up the base and keep them from losing heart. I am actually not buying the theory Dick Morris read the polls wrong. It was a purposeful con job on FOX news viewers by Dick Morris - my opinion.

You’re a leftie, Destro. That’s all I meant. I didn’t mean it as an insult, but I said it to note that your statements are typically ones that I don’t agree with, but I do agree with you on this matter.

I also think that this was Dick Morris’ last hurrah. He blew it by such a large margin that conservatives won’t be able to believe him much again. Even for the credulous, there are limits to how far wrong you can be with election results and survive politically.

In political rhetoric, 2+2=5 is sometimes seen, but in an election the greater number of votes still wins the state, and the pundit that fails to predict those votes continuously will be replaced.