
Lunar Eclipse Causes Panic in Strange Tribe of Throwbacks

GunstarGreen4/15/2014 1:30:13 pm PDT

re: #5 Shiplord Kirel

This was gross ignorance in the 17th century. In the 21st? There aren’t any words to describe it.

Yes there are. One of them is “idiocy”.

Sheer, unadulterated, primitive, savage idiocy. It is the year 2014, and a significant chunk of the population of the United States is composed of primitive apes that pretend to be human.

The science of planetary and lunar orbit and rotation is understood. It is incontrovertible. It is a known, 100% certain fact that the earth rotates around the sun, that the moon rotates around the earth, and that every so often on a regular and predictable basis, our particular spot on the earth happens to be rotated to be facing away from the sun at such a time as the moon happens to be orbited around the earth to be in its shadow, relative to the light cast from the sun.

And yet, despite all of this, which is basic scientific fact that is taught to elementary school children, there are a substantial number of primitive apes that live in this country and insist that this phenomenon is the work of some invisible sky-deity sending coded messages through strange atmospheric occurrences. These are the same primitive apes that insist that there are such things as witches and warlocks and demons and ghosts. They are this way because we allow them to be, and we see to it that there are no significant repercussions for their continued refusal to develop and evolve with the rest of the human race.