
Overnight Open Thread

gmsc2/19/2009 11:42:43 pm PST

Oklahoma Man Talks About Secret Service Visit For Displaying Anti-Obama Sign (Video)

Chip Harrison, a devout Christian and father of a special needs child, was pulled over this week for displaying an anti-Obama poster on his truck window.
The Oklahoma police took his sign and called the Secret Service who searched his home.
Later today he told his story to the media:

Youtube Video

The police officers who stopped Oklahoma motorist Chip Harrison and confiscated a sign from his car told him he has a right to his beliefs. But they took his sign and called the Secret Service who searched his home after the traffic stop according to the incident report released this morning.

The sign, which read “Abort Obama Not the Unborn,” was returned to Harrison later that day.
He put it back up in his truck window.