
Aussie Antisemite Charged After Blog Outing

Russkilitlover5/13/2009 9:30:35 am PDT

re: #24 Sharmuta


Uh oh! From the comments

We have already committed to be speakers at our rally notable names such as, Rev Manning (Trinity Broadcasting Network), Dr.Mike Ritze ( Oklahoma State Representative), Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs),Ambassador Alan Keyes (tentative) Senator Randy Brogdon (Oklahoma), Dr Orly Taitz (Attorney) a key figure in several cases regarding Obama’s constitutional qualifications to be president, Mr. Lloyd Marcus (Singer & Song Writer), Joyce Kaufman (Radio talk show host from 850am WFTL Miami Florida, Chaim Ben Pesach (Speaker of the Jewish Task Force), Rolling Thunder, National Right To Life, The National Rifle Assoc. as well as musical entertainment and many other guest speakers that are proud Americans.