
The Tea Party has a garage sale - NO gays or muslims allowed of course

Nyet7/20/2011 6:19:06 am PDT

re: #27 Sergey Romanov

MM never said that.

And before we see outrageous outrage from Buck: in most cases, when one says Media Matters, one means, a group started long ago. A relatively recent group called “Media Matters Action Network”, to which the Political Correction belongs, is a partner org with Media Matters, it’s not Media Matters as such. It _is_ a separate structure, albeit closely related. So saying “Media Matters said this or this” and then point to a blog at a site of a partner organization is disingenuous and misleading. No, Media Matters said no such thing. No, items at are not discredited by opinion pieces on a blog of a sister organization.