
Jon Stewart Skewers GOP Anti-Science Idiocy and Media Complicity

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/27/2011 10:48:10 am PDT

re: #3 Charles

You are right of course about the failure of the media to to say anything about Mueller’s latest study. But the reporting on the stolen e-mails was a fraud and a smear job to begin with, that was easily debunked at the time, by even the most basic due diligence. Science is not based on just one study.

I know I am preaching to the choir with you, and I deeply admire the way you have stuck to shouting about this. But we can’t treat this as a blow by blow. The salient facts were in place decades ago. By the 1990’s no one legitimate in the climate community had any doubts. We have over 100 years of concern about climate change in the scientific community. I keep pointing out that the first major report on the dangers of climate change from the National Academy went to president Johnson in 1965 not because I doubt the readers here don’t know that, but to illustrate how much of a disservice to facts are being done.

1965 is a long time ago. In the intervening 56 years the data has only become more and more overwhelming. There are at this point literally millions of man years of observations confirming climate change because the data comes in from so many different disciplines and is confirmed by so many different lines of reasoning. The science would have been established no matter what Mueller had said.

What is much worse is the continued stupidity and arrogance that useless and dangerous liars like Noelle Nikpour represent and the tragic indifference of the average American.

I know that bills are tough right now. I know that the average American is so lazy they can’t be bothered to read a legitimate science source - or even browse the NASA or NOAA website to learn some facts. But why can’t people realize that science is saying this will kill them and destroy our nation as thoroughly as a nuclear exchange? If the scientists are saying that our food won’t be there, our bread basket a dust bowl, that we won’t have enough fresh water, that our contagions will spread across new areas without immunities and that our coastal cities will be washed out… doesn’t it behoove people to at least try to understand?

They can’t be bothered by that.

No, that would require too much thinking. For some, it would require going against what their bought and paid for political party has told them to believe.

Even simple things can not be thought out. Consider projection! Scientists going after money? Really, why don’t average Americans actually follow the money for once? Who stands to loose more financially, the scientists who don’t make a lot to begin with, or the oil companies and fossil fuel interests? Where exactly is the money? If money is a motivation to lie, who has more money at stake? The entire science budget of America dedicated to climate or climate related work runs in the millions per year. Compare that to tens of billions on the other side.

Even thinking that clearly is impossible for the Average American and evil bits of trash like Noelle Nikpour. She will happily even project that it is somehow bad that scientists do peer review. Well it isn’t as if we hide anything. We are going to fail as a species and die out because the average person was too dumb and too venal to care until it was much too lte.