
Billionaire Adelson: Donations to Romney 'Limitless'

researchok6/14/2012 2:34:16 pm PDT

The real shame is that money is spent primarily on advertising and advertising research.

Why? So as to get people who might otherwise not be inclined or undecided to vote for a particular candidate.

Corporations spend tens of millions of dollars for a 30 second Super Bowl ad slot for just that reason, to influence behavior. If it didn’t work, they would not spend the money.

Political campaigns are years long ad campaigns. The respective candidates need not be truthful or accurate- if their influence can be measured as an uptick, they will say what they have to say. Apologies or clarifications are always meaningless (it is kind of like agreeing to obey the speed limit after an accident).

It’s all about advertising, image, influence and the truth be damned.

Political debates are not immune. Candidates don’t actually answer questions. They use the query to launch into a soliloquy of self promotion or denigration of their opponents. The only ideas remembered are the snappy one liners.

Our world- and as the man once said, we get the government we deserve.

We put up with this crap.

Want to overturn Citizens United? It isn’t that hard. Have both parties sponsor a bill limiting the influence of corporate cash in elections.

Hard to believe no one has thought of that yet.