
Instapundit Says: The Solution Is More Guns, Fewer Gun-Free Zones

Scottish Dragon12/14/2012 7:29:25 pm PST
Given that gun-free zones seem to be a magnet for mass shooters, maybe we should be working to shrink or eliminate them, rather than expand them. As they say, if it saves just one life, it’s worth it.

So let me get this straight: The “Ole Perfessor” thinks that while employed here in NC as a substitute teacher dealing with earth science and US history, I also need to have a frakking Kalashnikov behind the desk and suitable tactical training.

While I am teaching. Teaching children, no less.

Got it.

What. The. Fuck.

How do you even formulate a response to this without mirthless laughter? It’s like talking to a Flat Earth conspiracy nut who has been hitting PCP.