
Fox News GOP Debate Open Thread 4: The Clowns Are in Control

A Mom Anon8/07/2015 5:51:07 am PDT

re: #287 I Stand With Planned Parenthood

All this backs up what I thought was true. Thanks for sharing that. I bet if you asked OB/GYNs all over the country how many late term abortions they’ve performed you’d have to really dig around to find those that had, and the stories they would tell about why that had to happen would be not only heartbreaking but seriously medically necessary. No doctor would just do a late term abortion because, reasons. These Operation Rescue/Army of God assholes and all their wannabes make it sound just like this PP video crap, that perfectly viable later term fetuses are being taken out of their mothers between Mom’s haircut and mani/pedi appointments. Most of the tissue wouldn’t look much different than a heavy menstrual period unless you knew what to look for.

I am just pissed we’re still having this conversation in 2015. FFS.