
New Year's Eve Acoustic Excellence: Fabrizio Fanini, "Last Train Home"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/01/2017 12:04:02 am PST

The BBC has an article about a condition long-known but only recently described, called aphantasia.

This condition involves the inability to recall or imagine scenes or images, such as a sunset, a vista, or a person’s face. It is directly involved in the inability of some people to recall people’s faces even if they have known them for years.

Exeter University in the United Kingdom is looking for volunteers for a study into the issue. If you are interested, the contact point is in the BBC article.

All of my life I have been aware of this problem in myself: I cannot right now picture my wife’s face even though we have been married over ten years; I cannot picture my mother’s face though she has been in my life half a century. I cannot picture the landscape around my village even though I have lived here since 2011. Sites like the iconic Chimney Rock or Scott’s Bluff are blanks. Though I have driven to Cheyenne many times, I cannot bring forth an image of the Rocky Mountains visible around the city.

The article has a screening quiz to determine if you might be suitable for the study: I have my result from that pasted below. The article is interesting, and if you are interested in taking Exeter University’s quiz it can be found there.

Approximately 5% of people fall into this, the lowest, score band. Your score suggests that your visual imagery is less rich than usual. You may lack visual imagery, the state scientists have described as aphantasia, particularly if your score is toward the lower end of the band. If you would like to be included in the research at Exeter University you can contact them through this email:
Your score: