
A Beautifully FIlmed Live Performance by Laura Marling: "Wild Fire"

Timothy Watson5/07/2017 9:39:16 am PDT

re: #298 ObserverArt

You know the real sad fact in a lot of this we are now seeing is it has always been there. These people, like the woman in the video, didn’t just become bigoted assholes. They have always been bigoted assholes, just in hiding. Trump has let them toss it out, it is why they always mention we are under Trump now.

So to anyone that says racism and bigotry is dead in the country and the old protections no longer apply, I say the only reason the protections are being slowly stripped is because it is a new day for the bigot in America. You are being asked to come out from the shadows and join the Trump America.

Yeah, I am looking at you…again…Chief Justice John Roberts. You and the court are the enablers, and the voting rights acts you shot down go along with the courts allowing huge bucks in the elections and we have the result.

Have you been following the shit happening at American University? All because a black student was elected Student Government President.
American University issues safety advisory after student leader targeted in online post