
An Antisemitic Mass Murder in Pittsburgh; Trump Blames the Synagogue for Not Having Armed Guards

No Malarkey!10/27/2018 7:42:53 pm PDT

re: #295 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

Trump’s use of the Antiquities Act (for the first time) is totally a campaign stunt. Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY 6th), whose district the camp resides in, is running neck-and-neck against Democratic challenger, Amy McGrath. Legislation to make the camp a monument, sponsored by Barr, passed near unanimously in the House earlier this year. Turtle Mitch introduced matching legislation in the Senate already, but it hasn’t been brought forward for a vote yet.

I’m going to be canvassing for Amy tomorrow; we’re going to send Barr home!