
The African Baby Boom and Bush's Abstinence Programs

Gus12/13/2009 9:17:30 pm PST

re: #290 Bagua

OK, that’s what I have been asking. Is this obstruction simply saying that the $15billion provided for AIDS can’t be spent on birth control, or was there some other active obstruction of the $430 million that the US spent per year on global birth control?

BTW, I agree that the restriction should be lifted and that more money should be spend on birth control in Africa, I’m just not sure it is a sin of omission to not spend that money when no one else in the world spends a similar amount.

It wasn’t because of birth control. It was because of abortion. This is because Bush reinstated the Mexico City Policy which cut aid to any abortion funding under USAid. The birth control providers in Africa were also tied in with abortion funding. That policy cut off USAid to those groups that provide both birth control and abortions.