
GOP Candidate Arthur Robinson: Dump Oil and Nuclear Waste at Sea

Vicious Babushka5/24/2010 9:29:21 pm PDT

re: #301 LudwigVanQuixote


It is a marvelous running joke between us that he is not a nerd - or so she vehemently claims.

I point out that yes she is…

She knows comic books and will argue with passion that Hal Jordan is the best Green Lantern. She will go fanboy over starwars in a way that demonstrates a real understanding of the series. I mean she can tell you about obscure characters from the Dark Horse series. I can too, but that is beside the point. I am open about my nerdiness.

She loves Firefly and BSG and says Frack! a lot.

If you want to watch her go in little circles and pull her hair, suggest that Luke knew through the force he was macking his sister in Empire…

Her knowledge of fantasy literature is not lacking.

Yet she protests vehemently that she is no nerd.

She says real nerds hang out with other nerds. I pointed out that we had just come from a party with 3 aerospace engineers, five physicists, two computer people and a biologist.

She blamed me for being a bad influence.

I reminded her that she did not have to argue with the computer guy that Hal Jordan was the best Lantern… That was my fault. I brought her to the party and he started it…

She went on to explain that nerds are obsessed with obscure knowledge.

I pointed out that she likes crossword puzzles in Latin and is moderately obsessed the finer points of Roman philosophy and history. She said, yes, but that is her field…

It goes on and on.

I do adore her.

She’s hot too.

When’s the chasunah?