
Video: IDF Footage of the Gaza Flotilla Raid

darthstar5/31/2010 10:53:36 am PDT

re: #259 Aceofwhat?

reading too much Kos again? the “diary” over there on this topic is as prejudiced a thing as i’ve seen in a long time.

one of the comments suggests that this is a test to see if they can get away with this sort of massacre on a regular basis. 80 updings.


I actually haven’t read the dKos diaries. I know they’re just as emotionally charged as the comments here. I could easily go there and voice my opinion that I think the boarding was overkill, and get some easy mojo. I also know a lot of Jewish kossacks who have the same opinions as many here and who would disagree with me as much as several of the posters above…though I wouldn’t get the same kind of love that the Mandys and Catos show…