
Trump's Pick for Budget Director: A Far Right Congressman Tied to the John Birch Society

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/19/2016 2:48:49 pm PST

Unlike some, I do wonder if Trump carrying MI and PA does indicate a systemic shift in that region of the loss of influence of the Democratic party.

The basis of Democratic strength in the old industrial areas goes back to FDR and the labor movement.

We’re now past those days, and I suspect the DNC has to come to terms that the MI and PA electoral votes can no longer be looked at as likely Democratic.

Even worse, when I look at the midterm elections, there is no reason for me to believe there will be much joy for the Democrats. The Senate is very lopsided in the next election, as far as incumbent Democrats.

One reason I’ve been down after the election is that I now believe my retirement is at risk. It’s not just that Trump’s narcissism will cause problems for governance. But even more so it seems to me that the electorate is not as connected to reality as my parent’s generation, who lived through the great depression and really appreciated the dribble of socialism that FDR was able to put into place to stabilize our economy.

Coupled with the military fetish which Trump will no doubt continue to feed, and I find there are good reasons to think our society will cause itself (and others) great harm.