
Super Tuesday Open Thread 2

The Ghost of a Flea3/06/2012 8:17:50 pm PST

re: #276 ggt

Husbands lose interest in their wives? Because of the Pill? Husbands didn’t lose interest in their wives before the Pill? After having 6 kids they didn’t stay thin and firm?

Am I missing something?

You’re missing the social conservative understanding of the discontinuity of time-space causality. Sexual impropriety developed with the Pill in 1957, but the moral degradation rippled backward and changed the sexual mores of past generations relative to our current time-space coordinates.

You’re also missing the social conservative system of denotation versus connotation. Thinking about leaving your wife rather than raise another kid, or about forcing a miscarriage or finding a back alley abortionist—these constitute continued interest in your wife.