
Rick Perry Doubles Down, Calls Leaders of Turkey 'Islamic Terrorists' Again

Targetpractice1/17/2012 8:31:27 pm PST

re: #296 Stanley Sea

You know, I’m behind in the thread but this needs more comment.

This is what’s happening. We are creating, living in, and unfortunately thriving in an American society where we are defining people (fathers, mothers, family, neighbors, etc.) as WORTH ANYTHING, OR NOT WORTH ANYTHING.

That debate last night shockingly showed it clear.

And we’re listening to men who compare balancing the federal budget to balancing your checkbook at home and declare that the government should be “run like a business.” And nodding along to it all, telling ourselves that only businessmen, who’ve years of experience running companies, can get America’s economy back on track rather than plunder it as they have companies they’ve run.