
His Quest to Unseal Michael Brown's Juvenile Records Thwarted, Chuck C. Johnson Goes Psycho

Amory Blaine9/10/2014 6:30:32 am PDT

Wisconsin’s black children remain trapped in poverty, study says

The state ranks last in the country in the overall well-being of African-American children based on an index of 12 measures that gauge a child’s success from birth to adulthood, according to a new report being released Wednesday by the Wisconsin Council on Children & Families.

The measures, while not new, are bleak:

■ Four out of every five African-American children in Wisconsin live in poor households, compared with roughly two out of three Latino children and three out of 10 white children.

■ Seven out of 10 African-American children live in single-parent families, compared with fewer than four of 10 Latino children and roughly two of 10 white children.

■ Fewer than one in 10 in eighth grade are proficient in math, compared with almost one in five for Latino children and a bit less than one in two for white children.