
Saturday Night Jam: Bob Schneider, C'mon Baby

Birth Control Works9/01/2013 10:31:53 am PDT
What we should fear is the recipe of social isolation, chronic invalidation, and repression combined with substances and weapons in anyone, whether they have a capital ā€œDā€-Diagnosis or not.

While adults with mental illness are not the problem, untreated delusional and manic symptoms can be cause for concern. In centers like the Red House, professionals (social workers, mental health clinicians, occupational therapists and psychiatrists) screen for and are mandated to report threatening behavior. They give clients tools for symptom management and an outlet for expression. Eliminating structure, socialization, and professional attention increases the risks to themselves and to others. The absence of treatment will be ultimately more detrimental to communities, states, and the health of the nation.

also paged.

Morning all!