
Krauthammer Wants Honest Debate

Dr. Shalit8/21/2009 11:40:21 am PDT

Ok Everyone -

As was said years ago - “Politics ‘Ain’t Beanbag.” I see former Governor Palin’s comments in the same light as years back when a Democratic Congressional Majority called a GOP Proposal for a slower rate in the increase of Social Security benefits a “CUT” and campaigned against it.
Doesn’t feel good, does it, when someone on the other side with talent and a following “dishes it back.” Sarah Palin framed the debate, and WON it - FULL STOP. Something unusual on domestic issues for a Republican to have done.

That said, end of life counseling happens anyway, for patients, their families and close friends - went through it at the end of this past April and first week of May - not fun, and necessary nonetheless. The argument really is about subsidizing the counseling. Remember, whatever you want “more of” - Subsidize it, “Less Of” - TAX IT.
