
Marco Rubio Now Says He's Against Abortion Without Exceptions for Rape or Life of the Mother

Lidane8/10/2015 2:18:28 pm PDT

Erick, Son of Erick is bleating again:

Yes, I Said Dumb Stuff About Women, but I’m Not Running for President

Erick Erickson drew a line in the sand by disinviting Donald Trump from the RedState gathering over his “blood” comments about Megyn Kelly. But that only drew attention to Erickson’s own history of questionable statements about women, about which Fox News’ Neil Cavuto confronted him today.

“You’re one to judge,” the Fox host said.

And Erickson explained: “I have said a lot of dumb things in my life that I’ve apologized for. There are a number of them I’ve apologized for. I think the difference between me and Donald Trump is I’m not running for president and I did apologize, not just change my story.”

He said that if Trump can’t take a simple question from Kelly without lashing out like that, he’d have a difficult time dealing with America’s enemies if he were president.