
National Review Defends White Nationalist-Linked Heritage Immigration Expert

Targetpractice5/13/2013 12:25:13 pm PDT

re: #26 HappyWarrior
10 hrs from DC to Tripoli. I imagine it would be longer with Benghazi since Benghazi is a smaller city and thus would have a smaller airport. So yeah Issa talked out of his ass yet again. Color me shocked.Really, Benghazi was tragic but I am sick of Republicans like him acting like this was the only time an embassy or in the case of Benghazi a consulate has ever been attacked. Where was their anger when stuff like this happened in the Bush years? The Republican outrage over Benghazi is purely an OMG THIS HAPPENED UNDER OBAMA, LET’S MAKE IT OUT TO BE THE WORST THING EVER!!! And predictable all their rubes from the idiot right wing pundits to the rubes on twitter buy it.

Not to mention 10 hours is non-stop flight. If you’re flying a smaller commuter plane, like the kind that Congress avails itself of for its “fact-finding tours,” then you’re talking at least 1-2 hours on the ground for refueling stops.