
Stephen Colbert on the Historic No Social Security for Nazis Act

goddamnedfrank12/04/2014 2:10:31 pm PST
Q: Are you planning to make more ethnic pieces? How about pieces for multi-racial families?

A: Summer 2014 marks the introduction of eight family figures that are available with original skin and hair color, or now with darker skin tone and hair color. These figures work well in Family Groupings, and include You and Me, Brother and Sister and all six of the seated boys and girls in The Roses in my Garden collection. New figures can be combined together with others to reflect multi-racial and blended families. In addition, We are Three, a figure of parents with new baby, has darker skin tones and hair color.

Currently, there are several pieces that could be interpreted as ethnically diverse, including Angel of the Spirit, Angel of Grace, With Love, Blessings, and Sunshine. These pieces are a celebration of the diversity in our culture.

Child of my Heart can be interpreted as bi-racial. This piece was inspired by a friend of Susan’s who is very involved in international adoption, so the hair and skin color of the mother and baby are different shades (the child has browner skin), which could imply adoption or racially diverse birth mother and child.

In carving and painting all Willow Tree(r) sculpture, Susan strives for soft contrast and blended lines. She actually uses four skin tones that range from light to dark. Several other angels and figurines have variations of complexions intended to reflect different ethnicities, but she tries to keep the coloration of all pieces very subtle so that they can have universal appeal.

If the people who buy this shit wanted real diversity then there would be real diversity. The figurines are massively, overwhelmingly white for a reason, that’s the target demographic.

You’ll notice that there are absolutely no same sex couples either. Firstly because the Christian Bible Stores that stock this crap would rebel if there were, and second because very few gay people would be caught dead allowing these atrocities in their homes.