
Fred Phelps vs. The Robots

Kragar7/23/2010 11:05:27 am PDT

Interview with the Phelps clan from Comic-Con

As I was conducting my interview with Phelps, more Comic-Con attendees had gathered to form a counterprotest that started to outnumber the original protest. One guy in a Starfleet uniform held up a cardboard sign that said “God hates Jedi” on one side and “God Needs a Starship” on the other. Other counterprotesters held up signs that said, “Support fiction, read the Bible,” and “Odin is God Read ‘The Mighty Thor’ #5.” The Comic-Con goers also rallied themselves for a rousing chorus of Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” making the whole thing seem a very serious, or “a very special,” episode of “Glee.”

But the best counterprotester was a man dressed like Jesus Christ who was carrying a sign that said, “God Loves Every Body.” Sure, he separated the words “every” and “body,” but that’s still a lot closer to what the Bible says about the Almighty’s preferences than anything written on the Phelps family’s signs.

Here is the interview with Margie Phelps. For those of you who got through my interview with Andrew Breitbart, this should be a walk in the park, if only because it’s much shorter…