
Pamela Geller Raging Out of Control After Synagogue Cancels Her Speech

Kragar4/11/2013 11:18:44 am PDT

Local Dem Says He Outed Progress Kentucky To Protect The Party

Shortly after WFPL broke the story on Thursday afternoon, Conway told Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly that he didn’t want the actions by Reilly and Morrison to inflict damage on Democrats in Kentucky.

“The only reason that I came forward with what I knew was I was trying to protect the Democratic Party,” Conway said. “I believe in our party’s values, and I was doing what I thought was best for the party because I did not want their bad behavior, their poor mistakes — I shouldn’t say “bad behavior” — their mistakes, their lack of judgment to hurt our party’s efforts here in the state Kentucky and in Jefferson County, here in Louisville.”