
Greenwald on the Amash Amendment: Obama Is Literally in Cahoots With GOP

piratedan7/26/2013 12:30:42 am PDT

re: #305 Heywood Jabloeme

sorry man, you’re not swaying me, you appear to be confusing the head of the executive with some omnipotent despot that controls all programs and has responsibility for all things. He’s following the letter of the law as it currently stands on the books, not how he would like it to be. Obama has been on the record as stating that he’s not comfortable with the power that the Patriot Act allows him, but he’s bound by the law to do what he can to deter what he can from threats abroad. He’s asked the Congress to review this, instead, they rubber stamped it when it came up for review. He’s the one who initiated what changes have been made to the law at the behest of allies in Congress to add oversight to it, is it perfect, no. It’s also not the carte blanche that existed with the Bush Administration.

You’re busy looking for the perfect, and completely disregarding the good in front of you. Part of the same poniless brigade regarding ACA, yeah, it’s not single payer, but guess what, there weren’t votes for single payer available, so he got the best deal that he could make. You wanted reform of the Patriot Act, for fucks sake, he couldn’t even get credit for tracking down Bin Laden.