
Stephen Colbert: The Contraception Crusade

simoom2/15/2012 8:30:22 pm PST

CNN dutifully reports on the GOP fake outrage of the day:
Obama aide’s ‘chimichanga’ comment creates a stir

Basically, Dana Milbank writes an article for WaPo about the GOP antagonizing Latinos for not apparent reason. Specifically, he talks about a widely respected Cuban American judicial nominee (approved unanimously by the Judiciary Committee) who the Republicans have filibustered, held and are slow-walking to an eventual confirmation vote. Milbank writes that instead of talking about the actual nominee, Republicans are giving floor speeches on unrelated matters, or alternately, in the case of Sen. John McCain, he’s literally talking about chimichangas in what I can only imagine is some parody of Hispanic outreach:

The party simply can’t afford self-inflicted wounds such as the Jordan debacle. “He’s an integral part of our community,” Rubio told his colleagues.

But Republicans didn’t care enough about that to stand up to Paul. Through the “debate” on the nomination, one senator after the other came to the floor — and ignored the delay.

Some spoke about transportation. Others spoke about the budget. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) spoke about the wonders of his state. “The lettuce in your salad this month almost certainly came from Arizona,” McCain said. “It’s also believed that the chimichanga has its origin in Arizona.”

The chimichanga? It may be the only thing Republicans have left to offer Latinos.

Jim Messina, Obama’s Campaign Manager, retweeted the last line of the Milbank piece:

Republicans pounced, demanding an apology (not for drawing attention to article about GOP insensitivity, but apparently for some sort of racial outrage against Hispanics in quoting Milbank, who in turn was referencing John McCain).